Eckerö Line terminal Tallinn

In the port of Tallinn, the Eckerö Line terminal can be found at Terminal A. On this page you will discover all the important information to check in on time: from address details to the standard timetable.

Eckerö Line terminal address in Tallinn

View the address details of the Eckerö Line terminal in the Port of Tallinn below:

  • Tallinn A-Terminal
  • Passenger Harbour< Sadama 25-2
  • Tallinn 10111
  • Estonia

With the map below you can navigate directly and easily to the location in the port.

Check-in at Eckerö Line in Tallinn

At Eckerö Line, check-in starts approximately two hours before the ferry departure. From that moment on you can check in yourself and, if you are traveling with a vehicle, the car. This is possible up to 45 minutes before departure, after which check-in closes. Boarding starts approximately 40 minutes before departure of the Finlandia.


Check the standard timetable of Eckerö Line from the port of Tallinn to the port of Helsinki below.

DepartureArrivalDeparture daysVessel
06:00 am08:15 amMonday-SaturdayFinlandia
noon02:15 pmDailyFinlandia
06:30 pm09:00 pmDailyFinlandia

No times that suit your travel plans? Check the Helsinki Tallinn ferry timetables of all operators here, so that you can perhaps book an alternative crossing.

Facilities around the terminal

The Eckerö Line terminal is located at Terminal A in the Port of Helsinki. Near the terminal you will discover the following facilities:

  • Toilets
  • Free WIFI
  • Information point
  • Restaurant/kiosk
  • Waiting area at the check-in counters

More about Tallinn Port

Wondering how to navigate to the port itself? Or where you can park your car? Then take a look at the page about the port of Tallinn. And are you also traveling back to Tallinn? Then also check the information about the Eckerö Line terminal in Helsinki.

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